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Lori McNamara

8 subscribers

About Lori McNamara

Being mistreated by family or coworkers becomes significantly more damaging when the majority of one's interactions turn negative, and positive supports dry up to almost non-existent. On the eve of my 53rd birthday I invite you along on a healing journey…

Why brand my YouTube channel with a controversial-sounding name? Many people think that based on how I appear to the outside world - as a "pretty white lady" - that according to media and societal standards, I must “have it all.” Surely, I must be living the life of the "pretty white lady" they see on TV: gorgeous husband, perfect children, white picket fence, great career, few, if any, problems...

I have been facing near insurmountable hurdles, alone, for as long as I can remember. But this has made me one of the most resilient people I've never met (see Playlist: “I Still Don’t Know What You Look Like”). As you will find by watching, our judgments based on appearance can be dead wrong, even when it comes to a "pretty white lady."

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