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Paulina Paulino

155 subscribers

About Paulina Paulino

Paulina Paulino is an Avatar who has lived in Second Life for the last six years.
She has been described as Full Time, cute and Lovable! And while she may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, she is never dull.

Pushing her buttons is a 34 year old lesbian woman named Erica who is currently living in the South East USA.

This channel documents the (second) life and times of Paulina and her many friends.

A few notes on Second Life -
Having played all sorts of video games (yes, I'm a geek) I prefer Second Life because it is where I can use what I think is the MOST important tool in online play - My Imagination.

I can be anything, do anything, go anywhere - I structure my own "game play".
I am not limited to the script someone else wrote for me - in FACT, I have written my OWN "game quests" for people to play at. (The Sleepy Hollow Quest Company).
And, it's FREE.

Look me up in world!

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