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Sun Moon & Stars Nursery with Alex

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Sun Moon & Stars Nursery with Alex の説明

Content :Baby dolls in silicone and vinyl artist made, some pets and family (English/Tagalog/Spanish on occasions)

I have collected dolls since the 1980s (porcelain -bisque- and composition) I was only a hobbyist . Silicone babies are my primary interest… Authentic artist made dolls and sculpts, are pieces of art work that will far exceed the quality and integrity of replicated items which I do not collect. I am aware these are works of art and treat them as such. Occasionally I find feeding them with faux milk bottles 🍼 is fun , and photographing them is amazing. These dolls serve as therapy and even emotional support —especially for Dementia, ALZHEIMERS, Mothers in bereavement (which I have experienced) — that longing for a daughter —but is with the Angels due to a Rare form of cancer called
Sacrocoxygeal Terratoma in 1990 … Others just have an empty nest —or loved dolls as a child —but parents couldn’t afford them and as we come to age we compensate and enjoy the hobby …

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