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Oldish Goalie

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Oldish Goalieの説明

Welcome to Oldish Goalie! The channel where you can follow me on my journey to become a better than crap goalie!

My name is Mike. I am an oldish guy who "played" goalie a long time ago. Over a quarter century ago! Since then I've played forward and defense at drop-in every now and again. Nothing organized or regular. Between a transition at work from the shop floor to a desk and my son taking a liking to hockey, I decided that I wanted to get back in the crease! Not only to get back into shape, but my son will eventually need someone to score on!
The 2020-2021season is my second playing beer league hockey and I'm having a blast! I'm open to tips, criticism, likes, and subscribes! I'd love viewer feedback to point the direction of the channel. Whether it's advice on gear, my play on the ice, or the way the videos are made, I'll welcome it all!!

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