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Western Echidna

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About Western Echidna

Hello there. I'm the Western Echidna. I have a lot of lists already planned and ready.Also i wont just be dong Video Game-based Countdowns. I will also be doing Anime-based Countdowns. All i need is the equipment like Mic, Capture Card, etc. So here are some lists that i will post first once i get my equipment......

Top 10 Video Game Franchises
Top 10 Anime Characters (Male and Female)
Top 15 Most Hated Video Game and Anime Characters
Top 10 Video Game Genres
Top 10 Anime-based Games

Also i might do some Let's Plays as well.....

i'll post the Countdowns once i get the equipment i need so please just bear with me and wait. I'll post and upload as soon as possible. Also i might do some Lets Plays as well

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