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Hangry Woman Blood Sugar Hacks + Diabetes Recipes

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Hangry Woman Blood Sugar Hacks + Diabetes Recipesの説明

Welcome to my channel, I'm Mila!

I am a health journalist turned nutritionist, and you're following me on my journey to becoming a registered dietitian, and eventually (hopefully) getting my doctorate in behavioral health.

I found out that I was misdiagnosed and living with a form of diabetes called Latent Autoimmune Diabetes In Adults (LADA), a slow-progressing form of Type 1 Diabetes after four years of living with a type 2 diabetes diagnosis.

On my channel, I share grocery hauls, what's in my fridge, diabetes tech and lifestyle information, blood sugar hacks, recipes, and some occasional vlogs when things are exciting!

I do my best to show you how to live a happy, and healthy life with diabetes and insulin resistance.

Please say hi, let me know you're here, and tell me what you want to learn!

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