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So the main reason why I have decided to start this online journal is to talk about a problem that has been taking over almost every aspect of my life. I have binge-eating disorder. It has gotten really bad this last year and I am just not the same person anymore. So I am on a quest to rid myself of this terrible food addiction and I hope you guys will stay tuned.

So 3 years later... (Sept. 2012)
I am still here to blog about life, weight, exercise, food, and stress but I can finally say that food is no longer taking over my life and my relationship with it has been pretty healthy. Well, except that i still have an enormous sweet tooth. Anyways, I hope i can still be an encouragement to those who still deal with BED. Because although it is a constant battle, it is one that you CAN defeat and CAN take control of. I believe in you, but more importantly, you have to believe in yourself. Message me if you need someone to talk to =)

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