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Wargaming Noobs

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About Wargaming Noobs

Howdy YouTubers! We're the Wargaming Noobs, Carnifex Rexy and Lone Wolfen.

Our channel is documenting our foray into the realm of tabletop wargaming. We'll be recording our thoughts as we get started in the wonderful world of all things tabletop. We both have some limited experience with some of the more popular TTGs, specifically Warhammer 40,000.

We'll share with you our journey from picking a game, picking an army, assembly, painting, and finally playing. In addition to that, we'll be picking multiple games to go through and start playing to show you, the viewer, how easy it is to start this amazing hobby.
We'll also spotlight some of our local game shops (LGSs) to help showcase some of the more popular locations to learn about TTGs, play them, and meet people to play them with.
We've taken some cues from other YouTubers on how to progress in this hobby, and we'll give some feedback as we dive right in.

We hope you'll follow along and enjoy learning with us!

~CR & LW

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