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Harcourts Auctions

915 subscribers

About Harcourts Auctions

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Live Auctions. Real Results. Harcourts Auctions is the leading name in auctions services for property auctions in North America and globally. Whether you are selling a small property, investment property, or one worth millions of dollars, the Harcourts Auctions platform produces outstanding outcomes when buying or selling property.

Our innovative auction platform works with all types of houses. We are not getting rid of traditional real estate, rather we are providing a new innovative personalized solution. Our auction platform steers away from distressed properties and works with your everyday home up to luxury houses.

Rethink Real Estate Podcast with host and CEO of Harcourts Auctions Ben Brady. Aimed at delivering sales strategies, business insights, and marketing tips for the real estate community. New episodes every Monday & Friday on this channel!

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