Vampire Savior - the lord of vampire: (CA) SwishRev vs(US) Radical Red - 2022-07-05 02:37:36

Published 2023-06-12
(CA) SwishRev (Rank C) vs (US) Radical Red D - 2022-07-05 02:37:36 Fightcade replay id: 1656988656262-4830 0:00 Lilith vs Lilith 01:47 Lilith vs Felicia 03:02 Lilith vs Lei-Lei 06:34 Lilith vs Felicia 16:46 Lilith vs Lei-Lei 17:39 Lilith vs Felicia 19:03 Zabel vs Felicia 21:10 Morrigan vs Felicia 22:24 Zabel vs Felicia 24:18 Lilith vs Felicia 33:49 Lilith vs Q-Bee 35:19 Lilith vs Anakaris 36:31 Lilith vs Lei-Lei 37:55 Lilith vs Felicia #fightcade #vsavj #0:22:24 #0:21:10 #0:24:18 #0:37:55 #0:36:31 #Felicia #Lilith #0:01:47 #Lei-Lei #0:16:46 #Q-Bee #0:33:49 #0:03:02 #0:19:03 #RadicalRed #SwishRev #0:06:34 #0:17:39 #Anakaris #0:35:19 #0:00:21 For more videos check out: