Four Documentaries for Argentina Indymedia

Published 2023-06-12
Argentina Indymedia presents four short documentaries in Spanish with English subtitles.

Octubre Boliviano (00:00:00), a film by Argentina-Indymedia that details the various social movements in Bolivia, including footage and interviews with people from the four main cities that were affected by the protests: Warisata, Chiripi, Oruro, El Alto.

La Tierra Es Nuestra, a report on the takeover of the Movement of Unemployed Workers on June 26 at the La Matanza party, on the outskirts of the city of Buenos Aires. The story brings us closer to understanding the forms of self-organization of unemployed workers around a need, and how direct action in a difficult confrontation with the security forces.

Companero Cineassa Piquesero

Nicolas El Frances

Transferred on 12/1/2019 by XFR Collective from MiniDV at the Indymedia 20th Anniversary Encuentro at the Rice University Media Center in Houston, Texas.