Sonic-Life 1: Asclepions


Hey. This is Episode 1 of my little Sonic Life Series. (FYI my other first episode about Ozone Damage is incomplete, so it's not really an episode. When It's fully done, this will be episode 2.) Sonic teaches us about Asclepions, places in Ancient Greece (approx. 300-200 BC) where people go to heal. They thought the spirit of the healing god Asclepius (played by Chaos) visited them in their sleep and totally healed them. Sonic talks about some of the more humane reasons.

This took 3 weeks as a school project. I spent nights with little sleep trying to meet the deadline, so I hope you like it.

I'm not good with streaming sounds, so the scene select button (Tikal) is out until further notice.

There is a preloader, but no credits section (trying to meet deadline). Again, until further notice.

People who have seen my blammed demo movie (Link will come later, right now I'm lazy and tired) said the preloader was too long, so I added a skip button for when the movie was loaded.

Finally got a good quality picture as an Icon. I'm proud.

That's it. Enjoy the movie!