Shut Up, Dog!!!

Published 2008-12-25

This is a little flash I did for my dad's christmas present. As you can see in my flash section, I do this often as a gift.

My dad was doing a recoprding for his school, and my dog barked (not too rare around my house). My dad, who has a short fuse with our animals, got a bit upset. He and I thought the clip was funny, and I asked to animate this. He still thinks, as of this release, that I lost it somewhere. I thought I had as well, but here it is!

The video has no preloader, and is continuous.

The style was... experimental, and rough at best. It's the first time I've tried a somewhat serious frame-by-frame animation, so I understand if it's reviewed harshly. I also zoomed in alot to get in some details, so a few of the scenes are undersized. No, I do not intend toi fix this. For those who can see past it's faults, enjoy!

Merry Christmas!