PPG Celebrity Jeopardy


This was the first Celebrity Jeopardy movie we did in 2000 winter. Since I didn't become involved with animating until Dan wrote AND recorded the script, there were some writing problems. For example, a lot of jokes were lifted from the SNL skit, like B Words, Colors That End in Urple, and such and such. Good thing that stopped when I became involved in the writing and we got more original. So basically, the animation and writing in this one sucks compared to the other 2. The animation is in 18 fps. For Celebrity Jeopardy 4, I'll be using 30 fps.

This movie had to be split up for Newgrounds thanks to Flash 4.0, being unable to import MP3s, and we had to use WAV files. After watching this, you may view part 2 on NG as well.