AR! Talk Like A Pirate!

Published 2009-09-19

Ar! Ye be lookin' at me flash, ar! My be thinkin', infact, me be knowin' 'hat t'is flash be frame by frame in all aspec's, one 'undred 'n' eigh' 'ercent! It be the second flash of all time and me be knowin' 'hat t's animation be do'e i' u'ner one week! Ar!

Enough of thee pirate speak! Ar! Hope you like this! Lots of hard work, sweat and being beaten by the captain went into this animation so I hopes yee like it! AR!! :D

Me thankin' ye for a'watchin' t'is flash so thanks ya' very much! 'N' lets ce'brate Talk like a Pirate Day!!! Oh, and don't forget to thank Lazy Muffin for his excellent Voice Acting!

NB. Why is the sound slightly out of sync. I'll re-upload it with it sorted as soon as possible. Thanks...
NB2. The sounds sorted now so all's good!!!