At your service

Published 2016-07-11

"People tend to have a pretty pessimistic view on robotics labor taking over our labor.
But I believe there's a lot of reason to be more optimistic about what might come."

There's a reason I'm not making poetry, but thanks a lot to Saminat for making the cool voice lines despite of how poorly I wrote it ;)

Taxi robot took, my job away
realistically I look, and guess I don't have to complain
my family is supported, by basic pay
and it has been reported, it's safer anyway

Flying soldier robot, came in through the door
for many years I fought, but there is no more war
the enemies I haven't seen, they're on vaca
under a palm tree, on bora bora bay

Creative robot brain, took my career away
but it's producing, my next video game
and in VR I don't look the same
now I get the girls without the shame, of pretending my art isn't lame

Farmer robot does my work
I'm sunbathing on the plains
No more hay on my fork
And I don't bring animals in pain
Cause the meat is lab grown, and it still tastes the same


I also want to make a post about how I made the character animations soon! (spoiler: it involves quite a lot of programming and little drawing)