'Curse of the Sock'

Publicado 2020-11-01

Oh no! Cherp's lucky socks have been possessed by a wandering ghost! Now he's been turned into a skeleton and must seek them in a maddening quest!


Arrow keys / WASD - Move, climb up ladders, down to duck, up to enter doors.

Z / K - Jump

X / L- Attack

P/ENTER - Pause

M - Mute/unmute

F - Toggle fullscreen

This game also supports gamepad controls (provided it has a D-pad).

A few small Tips!

-Press Down+Jump to jump-off platforms (the thin ones).

-A few enemy projectiles (such as rocks) can be intercepted with a sword hit.

-While climbing a ladder, press Jump to drop down.

-When an enemy throws projectiles at you, it's usually better to dodge them first before attacking.

I took on the challenge of making a small game during the last couple of weeks from October, and here it is! It's a sidescrolling adventure inspired by the old platforming games on the NES, mostly the Castlevania trilogy. I wanted to make something simple gameplay-wise so all you have is your jump and a Melee weapon. Good luck!

I'm labeling this one as a demo as it could evolve into a larger project if the response is good. I had other features in mind such as other abilities so feedback is more than welcome.