Odd Job (Pico Day 2021)

Published 2021-05-02

Edit: DAILY 5TH!??? I didn’t know I could edit descriptions, but I absolutely lost my mind over this. TYSM, Newgrounds!!!!!! X3


How do Pico's School and Friday Night Funkin' tie together? I don't fuckin' know, but here's an animation I made.

I learned about Pico Day exactly 25 days ago and decided that NOW would be the best time to speed learn Adobe Animate (Flash?). Absolute hell. Maybe I shouldn't have made everything into a graphic but, I mean, it worked. (I learned to animate on Flipnote Hatena on my DSi in 6 fps.)

I know it doesn't look like much, but I spent a lot of time narrowing down character design, prop design, and angles. I also taught myself how to storyboard (harder than it seems ngl). I animated this in about 6 days. Backgrounds were rushed and some in-betweens (and 2 scenes) were regrettably cut to save time. I freehanded everything. I ran into major issues exporting the file, so it's unconventionally stitched together in Premiere. I do not know if I like it but I gritted my teeth an finished it. I also just noticed that the first second of animation is cut off but I really don't know how to fix it. :((

TLDR everything I did here was completely new and foreign. I REALLY wanna get into making Flash cartoons, so I think this is an ok first step. Criticism is welcome, I have no idea what I'm doing!

If this seems disjointed, it's because I pulled an all nighter to get this done in time for Pico Day I'm not entirely here.

Also shout out to uhhhhhh Riddle Schoolfor being the best Newgrounds game; wanted to make a Riddle School animation but thought of this first.

Happy Pico Day!!