Silikon Trailer

Published 2022-06-11

Ok this isn't a proper pico day submission BUT since we're all celebrating and being happy, I thought I would drop a trailer for what I'm currently working on (which is prolly why I don't have a standalone submission like last year). When I got the idea for a trailer i got really giddy. I thought it would be easy but everything I have animated so far is establishing shots and random NPC characters so I ended up having to animate new character bits for the trailer on top of doing stuff for the two other collabs I was in (and of course my 9-5 job which is also animating lol). It was stressful but y'know it felt nice to be busy.

I've been working on Silikon since December of last year although I wouldn't say it took that long since I had long periods of not working on it, but the animation process officially began a couple weeks ago and I've made good progress already (lucky for me the first part of it has samurai jack pacing which means theres no dialogue for a bit which means i can grind away while my VOs...uh...hopefully are getting their stuff done). It's no shock to anyone that I would make a mecha thing, although this project is actually a combination of a handful of failed/planned projects I had in the past. So uhm yeah it's pretty cool. I didn't mean to make the description into a news post and yet here we are.


(Also, anyone who's putting me or sunnyside in their pico day things I LOVE YOU FOREVER)

EDIT: FONT BY @doggybag