
Published 2024-05-02

Pure Deckbuilding

Deckbuilding is at the core of Tuggowar. We love that moment when you discover a new combo piece and a range of possibilities pop into your head. The game scratches this creative itch by giving you a randomized card shop to build your deck with each match. Variety keeps things fresh, even after 1000 hours.

A splash of RTS

We love the mind-games and counter dynamics of Real-Time Strategy games. In Tuggowar, you can anticipate and react to your opponent much more than in classic card games. Just like in an RTS, where you are constantly scouting and adapting to the enemy’s gameplan.

We've also cooked up a cool battle mechanic instead of just getting your opponent from 30 to 0. This tug-of-war map adds interesting strategic options like rushing or defending until you pull off your epic combo.


Got feedback or questions? Join us on Discord!