Unbeatable tic-tac-to AI

Published 2009-02-07

If you beat it, tell me how you did it.
If you find a bug, tell me what it is.


1. A few people said you have beaten it, can you tell me how you beat it? I have gotten rid of some of the bugs.

2. I have made it more difficult to beat now by making the computer a bit better. Also got rid of the bugs people were seeing when they won. You can't beat it the same way you could before.

3. Another update! it is even harder to beat now! (but perhaps still possible). btw, I want to keep it simple, I'm doing it for the programming, and not for the art. If someone want's to have the source code (.fla) then just request it and I will upload it.

4. OK, I have been doing a lot more programming since I did this, and I am planning on creating a sequel that uses more sophisticated algorithms to beat the game. This version just has 600 lines of messy unorganised code that tells it what to do in every situation :/