Slime Fight

Published 2009-11-21

EDIT: Preloader wouldn't f***ing work again so I had to fix that. And I found a glitch that made the enemy die even if it wasn't afflicted with doom. So, hopefully I fixed that too.

This is the thing I've been working on instead of "Tales of Eldritch" so now that I've got it out of the way, I can get back to working on Eldritch.

This's a simple turn-based RPG fight where you control a Warrior and a Mage and you fight slimes.
When you kill a slime, another one appears and when you kill that one, another appears, and so on...

When a new slime appears, it has a HP boost, thus making the game harder as you progress.
There are several weapons and spells to use, all of which just might save your life in a sticky situation.

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