Blue Marble

Publicado 2023-06-12

2019 edit: my Patreon page is no longer up, so there is no point in having only the minified version here. Since there was no way to get the source code anyway, I updated the cart here to the readable, fully commented version.

Hey, everyone! This is the final version of my spinning Earth PICO-8 demo, now called Blue Marble.

It comes with two mostly accurate 3D textured spheres, lighting, realtime shadows and even some inspirational quotes that you can toggle by pressing the PICO-8 buttons :).

It's also able to do all this in 60 FPS, because well, why not?

If you're interested in how it's done, please check out my Patreon page - the commented, annotated source code for this demo is available there as we speak!

I might do a write-up later on the inner workings of this - at least if there is some interest?