#25.5 Future Descendants of the Past

Published 2024-06-11
The man let out a chilling laugh. One full of hatred and cruelty. "If you knew your current predicament, I believe you'd change your mind. You'll come back. It's the only way to save your little earth friend! You wouldn't want anything to happen to her, would you?"
"Do NOT bring Audrey into this!!" Cass shouted.
"I'm afraid it's too late for that! That sedative; it was also a slow acting poison. If it weren't for that girl's heritage, she'd be dead already!"
Cass' breath caught in his throat. "What are you talking about?! How long does she have?!"
The man chuckled. "She has three days before the poison begins to take effect. You have everything you need in this house to figure out the heritage bit."
"Who the freak are you? What do you have against me and Audrey?!"
"You'll remember me eventually, naive child. I Intend to have my revenge for the wrongs that have been done against me." The hologram began to fade. "Communications are blocked; coming to Etrion is your only option."
Writing by Rena Gale and Calla Tolliver
Cover designed by Calla on Canva
Music from the public domain