Stuff for Coyotes of the Valley

Published 2017-05-29
Non-Slide info:
Umbrae feed on two things: Blood and Darkness. Darkness is easy for them to get. They often go near the coyotes and absorb their negative energy, turning it into darkness. They prefer to get blood from those they turn, but some will kill prey and drink their blood.

Umbrae can control darkness. They can allow the darkness to carry them and allow them to fly, but many are unable to master this, and those who can are only able to stay airborne for 5 minutes, and they pass out after from exhaustion. Their bite turns coyotes into Umbrae.
After you become an Umbrae, you cannot turn back. You instinctively have loyalty to the Queen, and have a constant desire to turn coyotes into Umbrae. They can also make illusions with the darkness

Nest aren't assigned, and you can sleep in whatever den or nest you want. Some pick a usual spot and sleep there, where some change which nest and den they sleep in nightly. The only exception to this is mothers, pups, trainees (for the den part) , alphas, and betas.

Coyotes tend to be awake or asleep whenever they feel like it. Umbrae are strictly nocturnal, as they grow intensely fatigued in daylight.

When a coyote dies, they believe they go up to The Valley of The Moon, where it is like paradise. When an Umbra dies, they decay into pure darkness over a period of three days.

The Grand Willow is massive willow tree and the official meeting place of the pack

Though most coyotes dont know this, the Umbrae are fairly divided. There are the ones you see the most, who are loyal to the Phasma, and let their hunger take over, always trying to attack coyotes. They call themselves "Loyalists", but the others call them "Berserkers" or simply "Serkes". Then there are the Umbrae who fight their hunger and feed on blood instead. They rarely interact with the coyotes. They call themselves "Pacifists" or "Pacis' but the Loyalists call them "Skittishes" or "Skits"