Tanks Offline

Publicado 2017-09-18
Major Update currently ONLINE
History of the game
Here is the history of this game. On 16/09/2017 I had this brilliant idea to make a tank game, so I tried to make one. but at first I failed, and that was my previous project, which is called Circle.JR, which I had to, sadly, into a circle shooting game. But later that day, I tried to make the game again, and I actually made it! Here it is and please enjoy it.

Now I will tell you how to become a helper. You have to email me and ask me to promote you, and I will only give you my email in another server so don't look for it here. Please stat clearly your Scratch Username, Your Age and Your Most Liked Game. Please do not spam me because if you do I will find out who it is and he will result in a block from my email plus reported to the scratch (@MIT) team.

Developer Controls: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
1 - *Testing*
2 - *Testing*
3 - Own Health Reset
4 - Enemy Health Reset