Published 2018-01-15

Build 3 - 12/19/2017 - Added Changelog, Added app limit, Added easter egg

Build 5 - 12/30/2017 - Added DevOptions and DevLine. Press d 5 times quickly.

Build 7 - 1/1/2018 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Added time. Added System Prefrences. Added time formats

Build 9 - 1/2/2018 - Added date. Revamped Menu.

Build 11 - 1/11/2018 More commands to DevLine. Revamped Easter egg. Shutdown animations

Build 13 - 1/13/2018 - Changed some looks. Added day to clock

Build 20- 1/15/2018 - Added Miner. I had to use Minecraft pictures because it looked the best in the stack of watermarked non-transparent pictures.

Build 22 - 1/26/2018 - Now Using djpro's Pen Text Engine.

Finish - 3/18/2018 - Pong!

5/24/2018 - Bug Fixes