Protest S.O.P.A. and P.I.P.A.!!!!!

Published 2012-01-16
1. Download this project
2. Add a sprite with your username
3. Upload to protest SOPA!

If you haven't hear, SOPA is a bill proposed by the US legislative branch to put up internet restrictions and censoring similar to the ones in place in China and Korea.

Don't let this happen! Protest today!

Many sites are going down on the 18th to protest. These sites include Wikipedia and Minecraft. The Scratch Team is considering adding scratch to that list.

Listen. If SOPA passes, the project's we can make and view will sometimes be censored and removed. This includes any copyrighted material. That means no more mario projects, no more minecraft projects, no more sonic, kirby, tv show characters, game characters, nothing.

Dont let this happen. It's as simple as just remixing and you can make a stand. SOPA is a violation of basic US consitutional rights. Don't let them take away your rights. Remix today.

[CHECKITNOW12]Oh, and Pipa is just like sopa. So remix (Even tohugh I highly doubt this plan will work)!