Redstone Dragon redesign...?

Published 2019-01-26
This character was made to accompany Connor (Bravepro's main OC) on his campaign to obtain a powerful relic.

He apparently shares the same theme as Connor.

Information about Legion:
Legion size: 13,000 legionnaires
consists of 13 companies, every one of these has 1,000 legionnaires. Each one of these are lead by a captain, except for the first one, which is personally lead by Redstone.
Recruitment method: Putting the vengeful souls of those who have died to the "lost motivation plague" into empty armor suits.
Strengths: Mainly a workhorse/siege legion. Has an inexorable, slow advance.
Weakness: They are undead- holy attacks hurt them more. They are at a significant disadvantage against fast, flanking hard-hitters.

Humorously, this character seems to suffer from "Perturabo Syndrome", which means that their head is disproportionately small compared to their body (this makes sense, as the character is based upon Perturabo in appearance). This is the polar opposite of Plague Knight, which suffers from "Cartoon head syndrome".