climate change

Published 2019-05-20
☁︎,。・:~:・゚☆,。・:~:・゚ ☁︎,。・:~:・゚☆,。・:~:・゚☁︎,。・:~:・゚

         E A R T H . ☆彡

☁︎,。・:~:・゚☆,。・:~:・゚ ☁︎,。・:~:・゚☆,。・:~:・゚☁︎,。・:~:・゚

              A B O U T ☆彡

I decided to make a project about climate change. It's so important that as many people as possible are aware of it and doing their best to protect the planet.

      W A Y S  Y O U C A N H E L P ☆彡

➡ Go to a school strike against climate! I went on one today.
➡ Reduce your carbon emissions. If possible, try walking or using public transport rather than driving
➡ Reduce your electricity use. Be aware of machines left running, lights left on etc.
➡ Eat less meat, or even become vegetarian or vegan. If this isn’t possible for you, try going without meat once a week
➡ Shop at local fruit and vegetable markets rather than at the supermarket. More petrol is used to transport fruit and veg to the supermarket, so by buying your produce locally you are creating less emissions
➡ Reduce, reuse, recycle! Compost, use reusable bags, don’t accept plastic bags, purchase sustainable products, etc.
➡ Plant trees
➡ Conserve water
➡ Use paper straws instead of plastic straws
➡ Ask restaurants to use cardboard takeaway containers instead of polystyrene
➡ Try growing your own food
➡ Limit purchasing products with palm oil
➡ Be involved in the Scratch community: make projects, join studios, etc. The official Earth. studio: :)

   T H A N K  Y O U F O R V I E W I N G  ☆彡

◎ Time: 2+ hours
✎ Art and Coding: @ivypool2
✲ Program: Scratch 3.0
➡ Fonts: Google Drawings
♥ If you read this far, comment your thoughts on the project. :)

#earth #earth. #climatechange #informative #informativeproject #environment #globalwarming #mobilefriendly #ivypool2

☁︎,。・:~:・゚☆,。・:~:・゚ ☁︎,。・:~:・゚☆,。・:~:・゚☁︎,。・:~:・