
Published 2013-02-19
THIS IS NOT A FINISHED VERSION OF ICECUBE, if i get enough good feedback, i may finish it! :)
ALSO, this doesn't work unless you download the game, the trinket doesn't fly properly in flash version, soz

This game is about an Icecube that is, well, alive. WAIT! don't leave yet, there's more!

The Icecube is obviosly a frozen peice of ice, so anything like heat, or light, will melt him.
You first start in a test chamber, idk why, i'll make the storyline later..

ANYWAYS, you enter the test chamber, and after you pass 3 easy tests, you are let free. Then you explore and find a Trinket that randomly allows you to fly! then you must stop the evil heat demons from lighting everything on fire! then you find a lava pool, and the game ends. I know, the game is short. but, like i said, it's not done yet, and if i get enough good feedback (bad feedback is good, to) i'll finish it! HOPE YOU ENJOY!