Tranquility DTAE

Published 2019-12-02
All credit to @KripticKaotic for design and DTA!
Art, background, and OC world by me (@TheSledDog)
Time taken: A few minutes everyday for a week (You’d think it’d look better, yes?)
Autodesk Sketchbook

“You awoke at just the right time, my friend,” a sad and heavy voice murmured from the left of him. Tranquility saw the owner of the voice from a small window at the side of his blocked off cage. It was a completely normal bird, an falcon by the looks of it.
“Oh, I’m not normal at all. Yes, I read your mind,” the falcon stood up the best he could, presenting to Tranquility half of a body of a snake with a scorpion stinger. “The Siamese twins Ghoul and Phantom have escaped their cage and are letting some of us out. My name is Peregrine, and yours?”
“Tranquility. Will they set me and you free?”
“Not me. I’ve been here for nearly two years now, I was the first captured. You will, though.”
“Now, in fact!” A light, squeals voice said as a two-headed cat popped out from underneath the cages.
“Quiet, Phantom! The anthros can’t hear us!”
“Then stop talking and unlock this cage, Ghoul!”
“Fine!” A few moments of fiddling later, the cage lock clicked and flung open. “Come out, friend. You may come escape with us now or stay behind with your friend.”
Tranquility leaped out of the cage, not expecting the floor to be so far away. CRUNCH, his leg went.
“I can only come if you’ll help me.”

{Sum of the End} Ghoul and Phantom have gathered around 100 creatures, 2 of which help Tranquility escape. Almost all of creatures left their separate ways, but a mere few make a group in means of survival. Tranquility was one of them, but eventually left to find his own home and life.

Lol, if I don’t win Tranquility I’ll use this story for another character bc this is LOOOOONG
