Chaos Unleashed - a Platformer v. 2.0

Published 2020-04-19

Part 2 and Part 3 are here!
Pt 2;
Pt 3;

Also, I'm kinda getting REALLY tired of hate comments; so if it keeps going on I'll be compelled to report you :(

Thank you all so much for the loves and faves, this project got on trending (6th, I think it was) and top-loved. So again, thank you all so much for your support, despite the millions of complaints I got about how bad this game is :D
Also, did it got top-remixed? I'm not so sure, I'm pretty new to this, let me know if you know the answer :)

Differences from version 1;
- Toggle text
- Added WASD controls
- Less occurrence of falling-through-wall-floor glitch
- Shouldn't get killed by a fading enemy
- Larger music variety

Thank you so much everyone for their feedback on version 1 that inspired me to make an improved version; hence the existence of this project.

Special thanks to @211A for all the tiny details he pointed out, he gave a very well written feedback that clearly pointed out what was great and what needs to be worked on. Many of the changes to this game were pointed out by @211A.
While we're on this topic, please follow him, I feel like he is underrated and deserves more followers :)

Thanks to @mrtbts for pointing out the weapon glitch
Thanks to @bill_cipher_bryian for pointing out my English errors

There are just soooo many more people to thank, but I couldn't get through all of them, so if you contributed to the development of this game, thanks a lot to you too :D

This project is dedicated to my friend @--REsiDUE-- He is an awesome person, I hope you all follow him if you're not already.
Without him this project would have been another boring game on the dusty shelf, so loads and loads of thanks to @--REsiDue :D

- Music;
- Zombies by Cranberries
- What do you want from me by Adam Lambert
- Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day

Sound; from the Internet
- Bow and arrows from Minecraft XD
- Sword from All Sounds
- rest are just other bits and pieces I guess

- Internet for all the amazing sound effects
- You for playing :)

By the way, if there is any recommended song for the next game, please let me know :D

Also, my record speed is 4 minutes 1 second, you reckon you could beat it?