Hawaiian Bread

Published 2020-04-30
Spam the Green Flag! (some lag if you dont), Kick back, relax, and enjoy!
Fullscreen is not Recommended.
Can we get this TOP LOVED?!?! :O
TOP LOVED?! 5/1/20 3rd ON TRENDING?!?!
TOP REMIXED?! 5/11/20
Also, I made this because of a joke I made with my brothers while eating Hawaiian Bread. This is NOT meant to offend Hawaiians in any way. In fact, I'm Hawaiian myself! ( a tiny bit, but still :P)

YouTube Link if Project does not load:

Spent around 11 hours on this one animation, this is one of my favorite Animations. :) if you liked the animation, then you should follow me at @Sterlon, I have more planned ;)
Other Animations I have:
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/372425358/ <- watch!
@-PhantomAnimations- for voicing, and the OC :D

#coronavirus #covid-19 #covid19 #animations #art #music #tutorials #stories #phantom #animation #hawaii #hawaiian #bread