Happy Birthday Sara!!

Published 2020-05-18
Birthday Gift for Sara Chidouin from Your Turn To Die!!
• Press any key or Sprite to see the Chibi gift! •
1. Birthday Gift (I’m so proud of this-)
2. Chibi Side Gift

• Read a short fanfic gift below! • Credits at bottom •
Happy Birthday Sara!!
- Birthday Gift for Sara Chidouin 05/18/2020 -
- Written by Truly ♡ Characters by Nankidai -

My eyes flickered open slowly. Still half asleep, I lay in bed with the blanket pulled over my face and my pillow lopsided as I daydreamed comfortably.
What day was it again? I thought confusedly. I couldn’t seem to remember what the date was no matter how hard I tried, but I couldn’t shake the feeling like today had something to it. But... what?
I rolled over lazily, my hand drifting outward to my bedside table in search of my phone. Feeling the chilly, untouched metal brush under my fingertips, I curled my hand around the device and brought it towards my face.
The first thing I saw was 40 text notifications.
Wh... wha? 40!? My mind racing at every possibility, I read the only 5 visible.
> Joe: Sara!! You up?
> Joe: You know what day it is, right?
> Joe: Sara?
> Joe: Sara??
> Joe: Sara???
> 40 New Notifications
Fearing the worst, I quickly typed to get into the phone as fast as my fingers could move. I didn’t take a moment to check what the date was. May 18, 8:32 am.
It loaded on, and I went on my messages and quickly skimmed through Joe’s first five to see the next, my stomach a pit of worry.
> Joe: Gah, Sara, you really aren’t up yet?
> Joe: You’re usually up so early!
> Joe: Well I guess I’ll go ahead anyways
Letting out a tiny gasp, I quickly checked today’s date. May 18.
I nearly facepalmed myself for forgetting. Of course! Today is my birthday!
Knowing already what the rest of the messages were, I went through them one by one.
> Ryoko: Happy Birthday Sara!!
> Keiji: Happy birthday Sara!
> Ranmaru: Sara! Happy Birthday!!
> Gin: Happy birthday big sis Sara, meow!!
> Kanna: Kanna wishes big sis Sara a happy birthday!
One by one, I read through the rest of my friends birthday messages. Everyone sent one. I felt a small blush of affection rush to my face and heat up my cheeks.
I had the best friends in the whole world.

Notes •
Happy Birthday Sara! You better wish this character a happy birthday!!
As per starting a tradition, every Your Turn To Die characters birthdays will get both an art gift and a small ficlit gift like this one to celebrate!
• Total Word Count: 413 Words
• Total Pages Count: 4
- Total Counts do not include my notes -
• Characters Belong to Nankidai
• Written by Truly
I had to cut a ton out to let Scratch accept it q-q

• Credits •
Art by @TheSledDog
Fanfiction by @TheSledDog
Song - Sara Smiles by Panic! at the Disco (I’ve used it before but it’s just too perfect,,,,)
Characters all belong to Nankidai
Background from Google
- ATTENTION: I’m still on Semi Hiatus!! I know I JUST announced that, but I COULDN’T miss Sara’s birthday!! -