My Number ll A Yoonmin FF ll EP 1

Published 2020-06-14
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ok so this is the first episode, and the style of this series may change over time because i just might...change it? just telling you guys ^^ this is the style so far but it will most likely change over time :)

also, it's gonna be messy and all over the place (i bet cuz that's sometimes how i write lmao) so don't mind that too much ^^


Summary: Yoongi is going to get some groceries when he unexpectedly meets this cute cashier named Jimin. He's too nervous too ask him out, but luckily Jimin already has given Yoongi his number...

Music: Blood Sweat and Tears-BTS
Images: All images are from Google
By: @KindKaitlin


My Number Series:
EP 0:
EP 2:
EP 3:
EP 4:
EP 5:
EP 6:
EP 7: