Happy Holidays!! | 5 Gifts

Published 2020-12-25
Some gifts for my dear friends for the holidays!!
(If you’re my friend and you don’t have one here, I probably didn’t know who to draw for you :’))

Just sketchy doodles,, I’m super busy but wanted to make sure to give y’all something <33
> Character - friend’s user | friends name
1) Dawn - @eggnog_owo | Ren
2) Avi - @_YourAveragePerson_ | Avi
3) Apollo - @-Yellowcream- | Yellow
4) Jiou - @Cygonthedragoncoder | Jiou
5) Meeka - @RadioTheProtogen | Radio

Merry Christmas and/or happy holidays!! <33

> Credits
- Art by me on Procreate | Dawn on Autodesk Sketchbook
- ONLY FOR USE OF MY FRIENDS. No one else may use these.
> @Emerald_chan1214 & @14_sundance , if you see this, could you supply a sona ref? I’d love to make you two something too! <3