ART DUMP #8 + weirdcore edits

Published 2021-02-25
#art [press space, click, or use arrow keys to advance]
decided to stick with putting the descriptions in the Notes and Credits because doing it with a list is a pain in the craw, they're so much harder to edit.

wanted to get these out of the way before March of Mystery. If you're uninformed, the information is here:

music is an edited version of Dog Nightmare by Jack Stauber.
1-2.) Weirdcore edits I made with Pixlr (Use the desktop version, it's far superior to the bare-bones mobile version)
3.) Nacho cheese monster. I went over it with it with Mod Podge and it smeared the ink AAAAAARGHGTGK
4.) Jell-O demon. Get a load of them chompers.
5.) these doodles aren't related but the giant rat ended up being Max's sleep paralysis demon.
6.) demon clothing is like leather but still alive
7.) dentists' office doodles
8.) a deviled egg, my cat, and a dorito.
9.) i drew three shapes with faces and gave them the first names that came to mind.
10.) gobo, an SCP-939, some Unown, and an egg with arms and legs
11.) bart
12.) mark has such a charismatic smile, doesn't he?