Lotus eater

Published 2021-08-29
Woooo another contest!!!!

This was fun XD

I got to explore animation styles and tricks that I've never used before I like this..

And I promise you won't find another lotus eater meme like this on the internet XD

Meme: Lotus eater
Character: Max, and Max but dark
@Fazah_Champ for inviting me to the contest =D

So sorry this is almost late, I originally wanted to do Killing butterflies(decided to do that later), then Despicable(didn't think the animation was good enough), Ticking(too many frames in the short amount of time,), but I finally decided on lotus eater XD

I'm not sure why, I hopped onto a live stream once and the animator said she was animating a lotus eater meme but I didn't know what that was so I looked it up and decided to do it XD

I'm sorry it's not as cool as bring it on was..

@Bro-pro and @Doiphinanimator are epic...