Time travel

Published 2021-08-19
8/19/2021 Um why is there 16 views, 4 loves, 3 faves, and 2 comments already? I literally shared this a couple hours ago lol.
8/20/2021 Why 55 views, 14 loves and 11 faves already!
8/26/2021 Um… Why 25 loves, 19 faves, 1 remix, and OMG 284 VIEWS!!! What the… No wonder I have 1738938829937 messages.
8/27/2021 OVERFLOW OF MESSAGES!!! Also 55 loves, 41 faves, 5 remixes and 917 VIEWS!!! I am practically ded
8/29/2021 65 luvs 41 faves and 1004 views! I ded
8/30/2021 Hello people. I must die again because of 70 loves, 54 faves, and 1202 views. X|
10/12/21 I have RISEN because of 3357 views, 126 loves, and 95 faves.