Lockdown ☆ An Original Song

Published 2021-09-15

I’m not sure I can keep going
Got an F on this test
I look badly dressed
I am just so stressed
Don’t know what I’m doing

Feel like
We’re 6 months behind the rest of the world
Videos of people hanging out with their friends
Are going round the internet once again

But right now I’m going through
What they went through back then
And it sucks.
It really does.

'Cause 6 months ago
The world was inverted to what it is now
I feel like my life’s just been turned upside down
I don’t know what to do
‘Cause I’m stuck in lockdown
Have been for three months
But the rest of the world’s getting vax rates up
And we’re sitting here
Loose forward planning
All hopes in the trash bin
And just keeping going

I know, I know, I know
I probably sound silly and weak
But the pressure from school
And not seeing my friends
It’s getting to me

And I shouldn’t complain
It could be a lot worse
But I just want to say
It still really hurts
And I know I could go on forever and ever
But I also know complaining won’t make me any better

6 months ago
The world was inverted to what it is now
I feel like my life’s just been turned upside down
I don’t know what to do
‘Cause I’m stuck in lockdown
Have been for three months
But the rest of the world’s getting vax rates up
And we’re sitting here
Loose forward planning
All hopes in the trash bin
But we gotta, gotta, gotta
just keeping going
Going on

I can’t believe this is how life’s looking
It’s not how I expected
High school to go

But I've gotta keep moving
Because the world won’t stop turning
‘Cause a virus messed my life up

But it’s still hard to believe
That right now this is me
But I only get one life so I might as well
Just try and get the best out of…
Whatever this is!

And it’s just so hard to believe that
6 months ago
The world was inverted to what it is now
I feel like my life’s just been turned upside down
I don’t know what to do
‘Cause I’m stuck in lockdown
Have been for three months
But the rest of the world’s getting vax rates up
And we’re sitting here
Loose forward planning
All hopes in the trash bin
But we've gotta
Just keep going on