(1st) dtae

Published 2021-10-16
          d t a e ࿐

hello i entered for ur mom
uhhh i forgot to save half of the steps so here's three slides of progress HAHA <3

1 ✩ sketch
2 ✩ face rendering
3 ✩ uHH everything else bc I literally forgot to save
4 ✩ character (drawn by @CosmicKiwi)

           b i o ࿐
name: Gemini
pronouns: they/them
more about: soft!! i thought I would start personifying the constellations to add to my planet characters :D so they would for sure be besties with orion (new character coming soon~) because their constellations are close to each other. I'm thinking gemini is a friendly, stylish character who, although super nosy, is adored by all the other planets. they're probably also one of the youngest, so a lot of them (mostly mars) sees gemini as a younger sibling!

   ╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── credits ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
  character  ஓ   @CosmicKiwi
  art     ஓ   @letsnotdothat
  code    ஓ   @letsnotdothat
  music     ஓ  overthinking