Naan Fi Order Pads ˊˎ-

Published 2022-10-12
As stated in the guide…
your personal order pad will consist of various steps (orders) to reach writing goals (customers) that you want to reach this session! We would advise coming up with at least one broad goal you would like to accomplish. Each goal should have various steps (a minimum of three) that you can take to reach them. These steps could be the same thing done every two days, such as increasing your wpm by practicing often, or they could be more structured, such as if you’re writing a novel. Try to be very specific in your goals. You should be able to complete one step within two to three days. Every time you complete a step towards a goal, you can earn # (currency). (currency) can be traded in for prizes.

One ideas for goals and steps to achieve them in an order pad could be:

Birdi's Order Pad

• Customer (goal): Increase my wpm by (#) by the end of camp.
⠀⠀□ Order: 10 minutes of nitrotype (every day)
⠀⠀⠀(record days done below)

• Customer (goal): Write a 30k word story by the end of camp.
⠀⠀✓ Order: lay out plot (once)
⠀⠀✓ Order: brainstorm setting (once)
⠀⠀✓ Order: create character 1 (once)
⠀⠀□ Order: create character 2 (once)
⠀⠀□ Order: create character 3 (once)
⠀⠀□ Order: write 700 words (every day for 20 days)
⠀⠀⠀(record days done below)
⠀⠀□ Order: polish and revise (3 days)

With a format like the one above, you could check off (✓) everything that you have completed, as shown. However, your order pad can be in whatever format you wish (a calendar, bullet points, anything). Also, you may have as many goals as you like, and while the examples above are for the whole session, you could have goals for just one week or even a few days. A template similar to what was shown above is below.

____'s Order Pad

• Customer (goal): (Insert goal) (when you want to complete it by)
⠀⠀◦ Order: (insert step) (how often you plan to do it)

Remix /this project/ to create your order pad - it can be in the description, in the project, or whatever works for you. You could also create a forum post, but make sure to link it in a remix of this project.

Whenever you complete an order on your order pad, just say which order you’ve completed in your word count group and you will receive (currency) for it. When you complete a full goal, say which goal you’ve completed!

We hope that this will aid in you accomplishing your goals this session <3 We can also remind you to complete steps at any point in the process!

Canva for the design
Purple Planet for the music
@Mydoggiedaisy for being the most amazing Naan Fi leader and @i_like_kotlc for being an incredible co-leader