Luigi's Mansion on Scratch

Published 2023-10-04
Super Mario on Scratch 5 ELEVATED IS OUT
IF THERE IS LAG: Play it here for less lag
Love and Favorite and FOLLOW for more content!
This project uses almost 450+ assets so it may take a while to load. You may need to reload the page a couple of times.
Day 1 Patches: Made it so you don't have to go back outside when you die, added win cloud counter! Bug fixes!

Day 2 Patches: Made it so you press down to talk to NPCs and enter doors instead of space, made ghost not damage you when you're in the canon, changed lighting a bit, made ghost a bit slower, made it so the blue ghost doesn't appear after you beat them. Added how to pick up boxes and go in cannons. Other bug fixes!

3rd Patch: Made it so you can't use the vacuum when the game is paused.
Welcome to Luigi's Mansion on Scratch! This is the Halloween game for this year for my Scratch account. I didn't make a Halloween game last year since I was so burnt out after finishing up SMOS6 that I took a few months off from using Scratch (sorry), but for this year I wanted to do something special, so why not Luigi's Mansion? This project was very fun for me to make and I feel more motivated than ever now! Expect SMOS Christmas to be a real game this year and not a bad demo!
Thank you!
- @DuckGoose9254 for most of the code
- @NightCat28 for Credits Code
- @Brad-Games for some of the tick code
- @FunnyAnimatorJimTV for recyclable clone engine
- @Grayforz24682 for Volume Slider Code
- @griffpatch for the base collision code
- @BILLGATESFAN for the clone spawning code

- @xXNunyaXx for foofy
- @DuckGoose9254 for most of the art
- Nintendo

- @DuckGoose9254 for the Music Remixes
- Tekken 5 for something...
- Nintendo
- Midi Clef
- VGMusic

- @GooseGameStudios- for the game idea
- @MusicManJoe for ideas
- @Masonisbuilding for bosses ideas

- @xXNunyaXx
- @NightCat28
- @MusicManJoe
- @Brad-Games
- @_meow-gobo_
- @FunnyAnimatorJimTV
- @Grayforz24682
- @griffpatch
- @Kris1307
- @Doughnutsz
- @SuperCanon20
- @decoding10
- @Hiper101rd
- @RobloxNoob101
- @superpi2
- @Zelda-Animator
- @triangle5820

Nintendo for Luigi and most of the other characters.
Most of the original versions of the music are owned by Nintendo.

#games #art #animations #music #luigi #scratch #scrolling #platformer #levels #mansion #king #boo #trending #levels #platformer #ghost #vacuum #foofy #halloween #scary #bouldergeist #keys

#Games #Art #Animations #Music #Luigi #Scratch #Scrolling #Platformer #Levels #Mansion #King #Boo #Trending #Levels #Platformer #Ghost #Vacuum #Foofy #Halloween #Scary #Bouldergeist #Keys