Emoji GO! #emojis #games #all

Published 2024-01-20
❗Warning! The emojis I used were from a CHROME DEVICE, so if you are NOT using a CHROME DEVICE, there is a HIGH RISK that the emojis have BAD SIZING and AWKWARD PLACEMENT, and it just won't look as good.❗

Based on Pokemon GO.

With over 1,850 blocks...
I present to you... Emoji GO!

You can move using the arrow keys or the joystick. When you touch an emoji, a battle activates. When that happens, you want to catch that emoji, so press space or touch the emojiball to send it flying to catch it. Make sure to be on point because the emoji is moving! When you finally catch the emoji you gain emojicoins. You can use that in the shop.

If you want to run don't press space or click the emojiball. The game will get broken until you get into another battle.

If you couldn't tell, this game is based on Pokemon GO. This game is an endless game. The music is from various Nintendo, Sega, and Capcom games.

Yes... there is a postgame...

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