PROGRESS: an Arcane Video Essay (ft plushies)

Published 2021-12-27
Arcane is a joy to watch and a tragedy to examine. Everyone's making the worst mistakes for the best reasons and I'm SAD so I wrote this.

Also, youtube kept being difficult about particular integral scenes so....I made my own, with plushies, and hookers.

CW: terrorism, racism allegories, systemic oppression/violence, police violence, incarceration, blood, violence, addiction, forced drugging, manipulation, psychosis, hallucinations

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All Comments (21)
  • @HoneyBat
    Hi!! I'm really happy this video has resonated with a lot of people!! But also, I've had it pointed out by a few people now that there's no racism in this show, so why did I mention it in the intro? Well, I only mention it in the content warnings and the sentence: "There's no actual racism in this show, but it sure fuckin feels like it" because there is none. It's just not in the show. The show is all about class, which is what I do analyse. But the warning is there because racism comes together with class a LOT of the time in our world. And if you're sensitive to one of either classism or racism and the content warning meant you didn't want to engage with this right now, there's a high chance the same would apply to the other, especially because one of the most major ways classism is enforced in the show is with police violence. Whether you're from Piltover or Zaun, if you're intruding into the wrong half of the city, that's painting a target on your back. Especially if you're from Zaun because a lot of the people in Piltover consider you lesser and will assume you are suspicious. This is why I mentioned that the situation has a lot of parallels to the Irish Troubles because, even though there's no religious element here, if you're caught on the wrong side of the territory by someone who hates your group, you're in very real danger. And Ireland was a singular nation only 100 years ago, with more bombings happening last year thanks to complications of independence from Brexit! I'm from the UK and I've seen a lot of racism here from the English directed at the Irish in particular, even though both groups are white. Far less time has passed than people would like to think between now and the days when "no Irish" signs were in the windows of shops and Bed and Breakfast places in England, and you can probably guess by my accent that I am English. When I lived in Wales, going into a local pub accidentally if you were English could be dangerous. And the English don't care about the Welsh; we're still taking most of their water and electricity from Welsh dams whilst insisting their language is dead (it's not) and not worth saving (it was only declining because Welsh kids were beaten for speaking it thanks to the English) and infamously flooding areas where people live for more dams. It's really hard to untangle things like class, race and violence in real life and so while I'm glad the show could examine class more closely without having to account for racism, and I think the messages might not have been as focused if they'd had to add more factors, it is something that I felt prudent to warn for.
  • @Whysoshort
    I love that you point out how Silco can be both a loving father and a bad father simultaneously. Love is not enough to raise a child
  • Viktor has a quote that fits the show “in the pursuit of great we failed to do good”
  • @Jayniboi
    i think the best thing i heard was "When the Undercity became Zhaun, Powder became Jinx" I never thought of that. i also really enjoyed the performances of the plushies
    Great watch, just a small correction: The firelights aren’t attacking Piltover, they’re after Silco’s shimmer transports and get framed by Silco so Piltover doesn’t find out about Jinx’s attacks.
  • Silco never sees jinx as a problem and calls her perfect because she literally embodies all zaun is. Perfectly.
  • @daisy-td9qs
    18:01 holy shit, I just noticed that ekko's spy glass as a kid goes through the owl mask he wears as a firelight
  • @marwansobhy7050
    What makes Arcane so haunting is that it's real. Perhaps not in a literal sense, but we're watching it happen right now. All over the world, countless Zauns and Piltovers. So many leaders like Heimerdinger, who can't see the corruption. So many people like Silco and Sevika, desperate people driven to desperate measures, who only want to free their home but end up damaging it in the end. So many children like Vi and Jinx, chewed up by the system and spat out. Arcane has way too much realism for anything made in a fucking fantasy universe.
  • @NoMustang273
    This video has a criminally low number number views. Also, small thing but I don't agree with Pwoder's freakout being a tantrum. She clearly shows attachment and self esteem issues beforehand even when she was a kid. Vi telling her she's not ready validated those feelings hence the breakdown. Tantrums occur when a person is trying to get something they want which is why sometimes crying kids stop to see if anyone is looking at them but in Powder's case she's completely alone. She also breaks her own toys during the sequence and hits her head which in my experience usually happens with feelings of guilt and general self loathing.
  • @joseroa5243
    I love how jayce after being told that his friends is using his position to further her investigation, he take a breath and cover her, not even questioning her afterwards.
  • @Vixielicious
    "There is no heterosexual explanation for this" YOU'RE RIGHT
  • @ClockMonsterLA
    I hate that I can't give this a hundred Likes. This is one of the best video essays on Arcane I've seen. Well done, Honey Bat.
  • @sheahon1179
    Silco is such a painful character. I know he is the "villain" but his love for Jinx is so strong and pure. Even when given all the justification in the world to say that she is a problem, not worth the effort, or to Lash out at her physically he refuses to hurt her. He comforts her, he restrains his violent urges he doesn't, he can't, do anything to hurt her. He is a ruthless, violent, drug lord but he is being the best father he can. And that is so painful and heartbreaking to watch but so well done.
  • @KamenArts
    25:45 to 28:39 The Jinx section is probably my favorite. Every character feels so detailed and meticulous with their own tics and patterns that it makes you want to try Pixar's 'Elevator Test' with each of them and see what happens. You could literally put 2 of Arcane's characters in any environment or situation and the story would practically write itself.
  • i am so happy someone finally pointed out Vi looking at her bloody knuckles after having punched Jinx and remembering what Vander said about it. that that path only causes more problems and his whole speech about how the other kids look up to her and that whatever happens to them, as the leader, it'll be on her. yep, even Powder's downfall. Vi's leadership caused the birth of Jinx, just like Jinx herself said in the last episode. Silco didn't make Jinx; Vi did. i've watched so many reactions, reviews, and video essays who have noticed so many great details, but i've yet to see anyone point the bloody knuckle thing out. until you. ✨ kudos!
  • @jk-it2vt
    the bat recreation of jinx’s baptism was my favourite part
  • @BootyCrusader
    I love the content warning for League of Legends content... I wonder how many people went through the list like "yup, terrorism, that's fine. racism? that's ok. drugs? pfft. sexual content? no proble-- LEAGUE OF FUCKING LEGENDS??!!? NEVER!"
  • @Thulgore
    The greatest show I have ever seen. This is not hyperbole. I spent weeks sandbagging before coming to the realization that it is literally in my opinion; The greatest show I have ever seen. Pretty sure this show exposes every mental issue I have completely, all the issues I hide from everyone, I find and feel within this show. No one I know has seen the show though. I guess I'm still safe, but I want to talk to someone that feels what I feel. This show is the only show that made me even consider this.
  • @Whysoshort
    I love that while your essay is mostly within the confines of Arcane, you clearly research Runeterra Lore. Everytime you use a term that doesn't appear in the show it makes me smile
  • @zoerycroft4300
    "don't you dare deadname my daughter" that's actually brilliant