The 3D Effect on the Nintendo 3DS

Published 2024-05-20
The 3D effect on the Nintendo 3DS can add to the experience of the game. In the beginning of the 3DS' lifecycle, the 3D was the focus in the games that were released. Developers used the effect in creative ways in their games, but eventually the 3D effect was dropped from the games. Nintendo released the 2DS system and the writing was on the wall, what are your favorite 3DS games to0 play with the3D effect?

Some of the images used in the video do not belong to me and belong to their copyright owners:

Attribution to 3D glasses graphic used in video:…

HTC Evo 3D images used :

Some of music does not belong to me and belongs to their copyright holders:

Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D : Main Theme

Super Mario 3D Land : Main Theme
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All Comments (12)
  • @exmerion
    When I wear my glasses with a new 3ds using eye tracking it's really unstable and gives a double image. I find turning it off to have a much more reliable effect.
  • @GhabulousGhoti
    FWIW, whenever someone told me IRL that the 3DS effect strained their eyes, I would tell them to not look at the screen, but instead pretend the screen isn't there and just look at the objects behind the screen like you're looking out a window, and it has a pretty good track record for suddenly making it easier on their eyes. I assume many cases of eyestrain come from users unintentionally forcing their eyes to focus on a depth they don't find natural because their eyes are trying to adjust to the 3D image.
  • @Syper7
    Kid Icarus has a cool 3D effect when the true villain shows his face
  • The e-shop might be shut down but physical copies aren't you guys might want to get into homebrewing for older games that are phasing out of existing it's not pirating if the games are phased out of existence.
  • Is that thumbnail a reference to what I think it is? Lol. Awesome video been playing my new 2ds xl this past week. I used to have a 3ds and I do miss the 3d feature from time to time. Pilorwings resort had a really strong 3d effect and Ocarina of time was cool. Link between worlds had a cool use of it with what plain you was on and using that propeller like item. Also this might be placebo I'm not sure but I could swear you could see behind certain things using the feature this is going off really old memory but like with the 3d icons on the home screen. Awesome videos please keep on keeping on. :)).
  • @Sgt.BooMan
    Tbh the 2ds should’ve never been made. I’ve never had a problem with it though but if I don’t want 3d, I just turn off.