Hikaru Nakamura went crazyđŸ˜” listening to poor game analysis by Hans Niemann | Sinquefield Cup 2022

Published 2022-09-06

All Comments (21)
  • @matthawryliw
    This reminds me of when you forget to read the homework assignment and the teacher calls on you. As a master bullshitter myself, I can recognize this anywhere.
  • @scudder91
    The way the commentator at the screen casually outplays hans and casts incredulous looks at him after each deflection is the best comedy double act ive seen since morcombe and wise.
  • The fact that Hans had 100% accuracy in numerous games but poor analyzing moves is really sus.
  • @imDuzzy
    “here I wasn’t suuuure” 90%+ accuracy in game
  • His strategy is to speak extremely fast, with an accent, and he’s 100% wrong lmaoooo
  • @dhruvshah7952
    Lmao hans gets everything wrong and then asks them what does the engine say to make sure he isn't saying anything stupid. If that's not sus I don't know what is
  • @back2back379
    How can a guy who gets so many games at 90+% and 100% engine correlation be so unsure?
  • We all know what he did, the question is "how". His analysis is like club-level. He seems totally lost and disoriented without the engine turned on.
  • @CancunMimosa
    The more you listen to Hans, the more you realize this is definitely a guy that has been cheating at chess for the last 5 years
  • @georgevan2606
    Hans definitely cheated. Who on earth would be nervous when doing a post game analysis? Post game analysis is exciting because we are curious about the moves we made or didn't make. We are nervous only if we are taking an exam, meaning we have no clue what is going on
  • @caspera3193
    Post-game analysis is a great way to tackle cheaters and this video shows it perfectly. Also, this footage convinced me that he is cheating.
  • He is so addicted in using engine that he couldn’t hold himself asking for engine eval“ what is engine saying?” You don’t need a psychology PHD in body language to see his BS. His behavior speaks for itself.
  • He says Kh8 was the move he was most expecting, but this move is a mistake, why would he expect a mistake? Then he says Nc5 was "obviously a bad move" when it's the top engine move! On the g5 variation (which he suggests instead of nc5, even though it's much weaker) he says "even h4 is a move here" but in fact h4 is a massive blunder. Then he thinks the follow up after h4 is gxf4 when that again is another blunder (there is only one good move, which Alejandro points out, is Bxd6, which gives black a winning position). As Hikaru said, everything Hans says here is wrong, but he says it with such smug arrogance. Typical of a teenager, but not typical of someone who has earned a 2700 rating.
  • @KoH4711
    This kid reminds me of when I was caught cheating on a test as a child, and I had to try and explain the material to prove my innocence but had no idea what I was talking about. He fumbles so much with his words and constantly has to look at Alejandro for reassurance, whereas you see interviews of Magnus or most other GMs who speak confidently and know exactly what they were doing, even post-game. "Chess speaks for itself" is a BS line. "Genius speaks for itself" is more accurate, cause this guy sure isn't one.
  • @flipina
    If i tried this on a math test where I got the right answer but my calculation is wrong or incomplete and I say "Math speaks for itself" my Prof would just say "You cheated"
  • @ClawieArmy
    Why is someone that repeatedly confessed to cheating many times allowed in serious professional tournaments in the first place?
  • @tenningale
    His body language is super suspect as well. Shifting uncomfortably, rubbing his face/eyes, randomly guessing, uncomfortable facial expressions, some nervous laughing... then all the weird move suggestions, platitudes, and just not knowing what he's talking about. I think he's a fraud.
  • @paulpena5040
    wow this analysis is REALLY bad by Hans. I'm only 2200 FIDE and I can tell this isn't right. While a piece sac might be justified it's not overwhelming as he keeps trying to state. Simple moves like Qc5+ and BD8 as pointed out in the video seem hard to address for white and could just be losing. he says "Just h4-h5" yeah but your opponent isn't going to just sit there. Black can always place his k on h7 the h file has no rooks since white castled. NOw to be fair it could just be nerves because the world is accusing him of cheating but he played a computer move (Qg3) which is not at all obvious and rather than show the analysis any strong player would need to show to justify the piece sac he just says "well obviously this is just winning". That's SUPER sus. Why? Because when a player plays a brilliant move like this they are usually chomping at the bit to explain their reasoning. Here he doesn't even want to go over the lines.