My Boyfriend is not Catholic but I am

Published 2019-03-01
Check out Leah Moler as she discusses one of her popular blog posts about Catholics dating non-Catholics as well as her discussion about evangelization and catechesis.

All Comments (13)
  • @user-wn5qh1re9n
    Pray for my wife to get to understand the Catholic faith. She has gone back to the Pentecostals.
  • As hard as it is I want to be with a practicing Catholic. I just don't like the division and I want to be on the same page on all faith values. This is my #1 priority. Even as for the friendship side of things I would love for us to be able to pray together, do to mass and adoration together etc. My parents have different Christian faiths and I have seen the divide and it's difficult and not what I want to be living in again. Thankfully grew up and raised Catholic ^_^
  • @jandrews563
    I'm catholic and bf is agnostic,I love him so much,he does not care if im catholic but sometimes,he says things that not good or he find it funny but for me sometimes its disrespectful.but I surrender everything to the Lord and I will not give up on him.
  • @mariemunzar6474
    It's hard enough when the person is Catholic to begin with. Not every Catholic accepts all the teachings of the Church. There are many cultural Catholics who don't really care much. It would be even harder if the person was not a Catholic at all.
  • @shaj122
    I am in a relationship with a non-Christian who is open to know the truth and has faith in Jesus. But still pagan/patheist. I do not know how I fell in love with him despite being very careful for decades. He is supportive of my faith and comes to Church, prays with me etc. I am not trying to convert him but witnessing in the best way possible. I have tried multiple times to break up etc. But we have become best friends over the months. Will it be imprudent to take the risk?
  • I met a Baptist man great man but it was hard he did not believe in my Catholic faith so I choose to leave him ….
  • @northstar5240
    What if I'm not catholic but my boyfriend is and I'm okay with it an willing go to church with him when ever he is going an I'd be fine with my kids knowing that faith but it's not for me like why do I need to be catholic? Is it really that big of a deal that I'm not catholic an don't want to be?
  • @anakameal
    I love this. I am Catholic my future Husband is agnostic came from a mormon upbringing and it's Scrary and I get this the hole I just Know. I can't always explain it yeah I miss Mass sometimes. Sometimes I have been very lost. But while my soon very to be Husband is not Catholic he still supports me and stands by my faith even if its not really for him. And I don't want to 'convert' him I will answer his Questions but never has I made him come to Church if God shows himself to him then he does if he dose not he dose not that is between him and God. I will always stand by him and if he asks me Questions try to answer (never been my best thing, and lately I have been trying to learn the answers more funny how being with him has made me ask hmmm why is that...) but yeah anyways what you say is so very true.
  • @chicagoman393
    The Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit, if many churches are correct. If many churches are correct, the Trinity is a Family-- two Parents and a Progeny, similar to a human family.(Humans are made in the "likeness" and "image" of God according to Genesis 1:26, although the human author of Genesis probably didn't know about the Trinity when he wrote Genesis) In the book of Job, which is in the Bible, God is compared to a father and a mother with a womb "From whose womb comes the ice? Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens?"-Job 38:29. Because we can think of God as like a mother (Isaiah 42:14, Isaiah 66:13, Matthew 23:37, Catechism of the Catholic Church 2nd edition paragraph 239), all three roles(Father,Mother,Progeny) in a basic human family are filled in the Trinity. Saying that the Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit is another way of saying "the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son" which has been official Catholic teaching for centuries. The Church teaches that the Son is begotten by the Father. If this is correct, the Father is the Father(Parent) of the Son. The Church teaches that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. If this is correct, the Father and the Son are Parents of the Holy Spirit. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (second edition) paragraph 246 says that the Holy Spirit's "nature and subsistence" is "at once...from the Father and the Son."If the Church calls Mary mother(parent) of God even if Mary isn't the first source of Christ's humanity(God is the first source), then the Son can also be called a Parent of God (the Holy Spirit). If the Church is correct, the Father is the principle-Parent and the Son is the begotten-Parent. The scriptures are vague if the Holy Spirit is the Second or Third Person of the Trinity, whichever of these is true, the First and the Second may be the Parents of the Third. Parent definition from Merriam-Webster dictionary: One that begets or brings forth offspring. Principle means base/foundation/first-source/first-origin/root-cause. Stay indoors to avoid flu and coronavirus. Stay indoors to avoid coronavirus and flu.