How to Improve Your Self Image | Bob Proctor

Published 2021-03-15
Dr. Maxwell Maltz discovered the self-image concept as we know it today in 1960. He was a plastic surgeon. He was operating on people, he may removed a nasty scar from their face. And he noticed sometimes when he removed the scar, or maybe did a nose job on them or something, there was a great psychological change took place in the person where they may have been introverted, they started to become very gregarious and outgoing. And he postulated that there must be two images that we have, an exterior image and we also have an inner self-image.

And he started to study this and he wrote a magnificent book on it called Psycho-Cybernetics.

And psycho-Cybernetics, psycho being the mind, cybernetics being this science of control and communication and he goes into this and he explains how every one of us has an image in our mind of ourself and it's called a self image. Too many people don't know much about themself and so they don't have a very good image of themselves. And you'll often notice that people will shy away from you, they won't look you in the eye, they'll look down, they'll look up. They'll never try to do anything of any great consequence because they don't think they can. They have a poor self image. But yes, if we're told we're not very good, you're just like your dad, you're a bum, you're never going to do well, you didn't go to school, you can't win. That's all false. We can do anything and we should be encouraging a child. Give them a pat on the back rather than a kick.

Okay. How can we improve it? Something specific. How can we go about making our self-image more positive?

Well, if a person would sit down and let their body relax, totally relax, and build the image in our mind of how we'd like to see ourself.

How we'd like to see ourself acting in life, relating to other people, our social life, see ourself in the position we hold or how we make our sales presentations, if we happen to be in selling or something.

And then take that picture and describe it, write it out in the present tense. I am so happy now that I see myself and write it out. Now a lot of people will laugh at this and say, "That doesn't make any sense." It makes a lot of sense. They can't tell you why it doesn't. I could spend hours telling you why it does and I could explain it in such detail that everyone would understand it. But write out a description of how you'd like to see yourself. Start to read it and read it and read it and read it every day, carry it around and keep reading it.

The one point that all the great teachers all down through history have all agreed on, they've been in complete unanimous agreement on it, we become what we think about. Now it may be fantasy at first, it might even appear to us as being a lie.

But if you read it often enough you'll start to believe it. And when William James said, "Believe in your belief will create the fact," you will see the person's personality change. I watch people in the seminaries, personality change right in front of my eyes. And all they're doing is starting to see themselves differently, starting to think different thoughts.

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All Comments (20)
  • He just literally explained how to manifest in the most scientific way possible ......u are an inspiration sir
  • @1endlesssoul
    “A positive self-image has little relationship to our material circumstances. It all stems from within.” 🙌🏽💚
  • @cybelefasquelle
    Bob Proctor is changing my life. I am forever grateful for his guidance and wisdom. I am so grateful to have found this at a young age. He is doing God's work!
  • @DonaldMaupa.
    Bob 🙏❤️ Rest easy, you really made a difference in this world.
  • Wow. Earlier this morning, I started to re-read the Psycho-Cybernetics book. I literally just put it down a few moments ago. Decided to get on YouTube as a break from reading, and then this video pops up. Incredible.
  • @Glenn705
    This guy is making me wake up at 4am to start contemplating literally everything. So much huge insights lately. My god. Rip Bob.
  • @monica22679
    Thank you so much Bob Proctor.. self image is important 👍👍
  • @josephnyande92
    I'm grateful and happy now that I see myself living the life I dream about.
  • @LifewithLeonard
    Awesome video, this message never gets old and is almost more relevant today than back then. Thank you for sharing. Stay blessed!
  • bob am so happy and gratefull for knowing you and implementing what you teach
  • @danielch3n966
    Thanks Bob, I hope you stay healthier and enjoy your life
  • I have waited for this day . Thank you BOB. Always the same dynamism I enjoyed . Deep gratitud .
  • @Leetjean
    I Love this man!!! Helping me so much right now in my life. Thank You Bob Proctor!! Currently reading your book Change Your Paradigm change your Life.
  • Of every self help book, guru, seminar, book, endless variety of internet self help, advanced personnel development coarses out there that we are barraged with every day. Nothing can touch Bob Proctor`s simple concise explanations of how to advance one`s soul. He is, for all intents an purposes, the defacto Jesus Christ on the subject. and that his message hits clear and deep. I've never felt so touched and inspired by what this man has to say. He has made an incredible contribution to others in his life.
  • Your videos have been a huge inspiration and I've stared buying some books you talk about!
  • @viralmehta2542
    The guy is able to share the lectures/content that he hinself did decades ago. How many of us can do this? he is lucky and great. I would never want my previous work to be exposed to the world, simply because I know it might have 1-2 many faults. This guy has none. Superb